Thursday, August 30, 2007

Week 7 Task 1

What is already there that can be used somehow? Objects, buildings, textures, people, businesses etc...
To make a future Melbourne of Flinder Street, You would tend to leave marks/signs of the main features of what we see in Melbourne today, like the Flinder Street station clock tower and federation square. Texture are photo taken from the flinder street station that will be used in the Future Melbourne project.

What could be there in the future - how will the overall future theme effect? What exists at the moment, and what will replace it?
What also James Buckingham and I thought that Federation square could be a ruin or a crater where the block was blasted by terrorist while flinder street and other building was shielded by a force field during the attack. There could also bee very tall building in the city while flinder street remains the same height but with added renovations. The environment would probably be all ruin with the exception og the protected and preserved Flinder Street

What area would you replicate? Where are the boundaries? How will this be handled?
Boundaries would maybe from Vic Uni to Federation square and to the end of the other side of the river. The area around melbourne could still be the contamination from the Great War in 2050 where people will be restricted to go. there would be a sky box to let the environment seem bigger, if we're going for the apocalypse theme, there would perhaps be ruins/desert like around Flinder street, and flinder street itself would be preserved.

What would you like to see?
I would still like to see some Si-fi futuristic features that indicates the future and stand out from the ruin background.

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