Thursday, November 1, 2007

Week 14

The final week for the Future Melbourne Project, just finishing up on our assigned buildings. Since my partner James Buckingham was away today, i had to finish up on his tram that he made, we put an elevator script on it and made it so the object move horizontally instead of vertically. When I tried to un link the object to add more content to kinda fell apart due to the script making it a physical object...(Sorry James)


After:Anyway I got a older model of his and had to re-attach the textures so now it should be fine.

Future Flinder Street is practically finish it just needs a few more finishing touches with bugs

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Week 13

This Week more content has been added to the major project. The outerior design was pretty much finish for the 7 Infinity building so more content was added to the interior. Including a whole wall full of advertisements, an infinite amount of cigarettes, checkout, shelves with products and still in the making, the low-fat grease soda machine.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week 12

Today we just continued with the class project. Right now i have almost completed the 7 Infinity Building outside look and probably just need to work on the interior. I've also created Refrigerators for the interior which has a steam effect inside it to make the effect on the cool temperature inside it. Also Posters on the front are made by Arfin who is working on advertisements of the future like "Acid Lime" soda and "Waffle Surf"

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Week 11

Today we started on working in groups for different buildings on Flinder Street. James and I are working on the 7 Eleven Parody; '7 Infinity' where the label will dominate the city in the future. This is just the start of the but some textures are obtain and ready to use

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Week 10

Today we worked more on the project. I got flying Limo to work, but may still to add coding for the gun to be able to work. I've also started working on a flying scooter which will most likely use the same coding as the limoAs i created the Limo, I seem to act like a Limo driver taking people places...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Week 9

This week we are starting to work on the future Melbourne Project and I am suppose to be working on the flying vehicles in it. Here is my 1st vehicle almost completed, a Limo with a turret on it for the rich Vegan superiors that also needs protection

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Here is the photos that were taken when we went out and explored Flinder Street. Some of the photos aren't good quality since it was a phone camera but a basic idea can come out of the shot that could be used for the Second Life World

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Week 8: Research

I am currently researching futuristic vehicles because I will be designing flying vehicles, the trains and possibly the racing trams for the Future Melbourne that we are building.

Here I visited Abbotts Aerodrome where I thought I could get some ideas on Vehicles designs

The place had a variety of aircrafts but still kept to the norm of designsI cam across this small vehicle which I found interesting and thought I could maybe design a vehicle something like it
Here are some Space ships that people designed and posted on where people could sell their Second Life products

I also saw this Lamborghini and how an ordinary car into something futuristic

Task 2: Story based on the Future Melbourne

The Job Interview

Felodus woke up one morning feeling uncomfortable and still tired. He found that he had trouble sleeping with sounds of working machines and renovations due to the destruction of Melbourne city. The orange sunlight glazed through the blinds only light the dim room of his temporary home. But in order to earn some Lindens so survive in this world, he would need to find work in this lost city.

The morning doesn’t seem much different from the day. The sun is always orange, the feeling of tiredness and stress is always about. Other than the remains of Melbourne city, it’s pretty much ruins beyond the boundaries on the edge of the city, where you would die in the remains of the nuclear contamination that surrounds it. After the Great War between Melbourne and Sydney in 2050, Melbourne was left in ruins and since then, the remains of the society had been rebuilding a newer Melbourne that is run by the Vegan industry. But they are not making it like the old Melbourne, it’s their Melbourne. The use of a Cyborg squid protecting the Yarra River and Cops giving fines to people for doing absolutely nothing describes the corrupt city that Vegan had setup in their own vision of their world. But this is the world that Felodus lives in. In order survive in it, he must pay his way.

Felodus wanders down the side walk aiming to get to this important interview for the job for a major project of an underwater casino. This job would set his life and determine whether he lives a high life or still be doing temporary low pay work.

He walks through the busy station striding towards his platform. He boards the train which seems much cleaner and tidier, even the air in the atmosphere was much clearer and a relief compare to the musty atmosphere outside. But the ride is not for long due to the fast speeds of the transportation. Within a few minutes Felodus reached his destination where he has to face this interview.

The doors to the train opens, he walks out and takes the lift to the floor where his interview was held. The door to the lift opens and sees red carpet, velvet walls, almost like a casino itself. He moves towards the robotic receptionist at the desk in the back of the room where the sound of his foot steps muted by the thick carpet. “Hi I’m Felodus Roeni, I’m here for the interview?” The robot stares blankly as if it was processing the information given. “One moment sir, Mr. Vegan will be with you shortly” Felodus takes a seat on the soft pink velvet couch that was located close by the door where he assume the interview room would be behind that door. “Ok sir, he is ready for you” This is the moment where his fate would be chosen. Would he get this job and live the high life or still be living in his lonely life with temporary low pay work?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Week 7 Task 1

What is already there that can be used somehow? Objects, buildings, textures, people, businesses etc...
To make a future Melbourne of Flinder Street, You would tend to leave marks/signs of the main features of what we see in Melbourne today, like the Flinder Street station clock tower and federation square. Texture are photo taken from the flinder street station that will be used in the Future Melbourne project.

What could be there in the future - how will the overall future theme effect? What exists at the moment, and what will replace it?
What also James Buckingham and I thought that Federation square could be a ruin or a crater where the block was blasted by terrorist while flinder street and other building was shielded by a force field during the attack. There could also bee very tall building in the city while flinder street remains the same height but with added renovations. The environment would probably be all ruin with the exception og the protected and preserved Flinder Street

What area would you replicate? Where are the boundaries? How will this be handled?
Boundaries would maybe from Vic Uni to Federation square and to the end of the other side of the river. The area around melbourne could still be the contamination from the Great War in 2050 where people will be restricted to go. there would be a sky box to let the environment seem bigger, if we're going for the apocalypse theme, there would perhaps be ruins/desert like around Flinder street, and flinder street itself would be preserved.

What would you like to see?
I would still like to see some Si-fi futuristic features that indicates the future and stand out from the ruin background.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Today we made custom T-Shirts and wearable objects. I made Warcraft T-Shirt consisting of the logo and staff that is worn in the hand

I have used a pop gun script and implemented it on my staff which now shoots sheep that i have replaced with the bullet. I couldn't get the sheep to despawn yet so i decided to make a bowl'o'sheep....but I think I might've made the server lag

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Week 5

Today I made a 1st object with a rotation script so i decided to make some sort of fun park ride
Then i decided to make a Helicopter using the rotation sript on the propellers

And therefore I was able to make it ridable by copying a flying vehicle script on to the helicopter with minor adjustments, it became a ridable vehicle. But sitting position might still need to be fixed up

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Today we also made houses, mine is just a simple house with simple needs....My House is AWESOME! :P

An Import of a photo of me into the 2nd Life world that costs L$10

Me and My Avatar

This is a comparison with my real life photo and a second life photo. The avatar has an exotic hairstyle because it would be something that I would never really do in real life

Thursday, August 2, 2007

My second Item i made so far with a modern metallic bridge

Alpha Theme Park
Like: Free Roller Coaster Rides
Dislike: 9000 Linden rides(too expensive) to buy actual models
ComeBack?: Yes

Like: Sydney Harbour bridge and Opera house design
Dislike: theres not alot of content in it to do
Come Back?: It's a maybe

Like: Massive area with golf club next door and nice designs
Dislikes: Restricted access to certain things without any money
Come Back?: Unlikely

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Week 2

Today, I have made my first new item which is a pimp chair. We've discussed ideas of what the class is gonna do for the next 14 weeks of how our virtual world could look like and features

Thursday, July 19, 2007

19/07/07 IS Class 1

Today was an introduction to Second Life. We learned about how to use some of the features and what Second Life has to offer. Skins and other object are obtained